Came across this article about vacation rentals being your home away from home. Some very insightful thoughts on hotels vs. condos/villas.

Go Vacation 🙂

Every moment of a vacation is precious you’ll want to make the most of your time away from home. Yet, the time spent at a hotel after a great day is often dull when you are confined to a single room. A vacation rental is a far better alternative because it gives you space, freedom and amenities you won’t find in a hotel. Read on to know more.

Vacations are exciting and anxiously awaited. Time spent researching the destination and the many entertainment options available is incredible. However, the time spent at the hotel room after a full day often seems dull and routine. Do you ever wish you had a vacation home of your own, so you could enjoy your vacation to the max? The freedom, privacy and flexibility of a vacation home are unmatched. While owning numerous vacation homes in multiple locations is unlikely, a vacation rental offers…

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Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the page that will let you know the latest updates on the in-progress renovation of our Seabrook Island Courtside Villa! We recently purchased this and decided to make it completely ours by installing wood floors, painting the walls and redecorating to match our mood for the times we spend at the beach. Since we also will be renting it out throughout the year, we hope that everyone else will enjoy the changes that we have made and feel at home when they come for a visit! Definitely feel free to leave input, as this villa is your home while at the beach, too!